Please find below the Literature Review on Product Development and marketing of Breadfruit and also the outputs from the Workshop Group Activities. What we need to do now is to try to get answers to the questions that we have and any additional information that we have on this theme may also be added under the respective heading.
To answer the questions below, simply click Edit on the top left corner, write your answer or any additional information and Save (at the bottom of the page).
Note: Anyone who is replying to a question is requested to put your name (in brackets) at the end of your answer or complementary information.
If in doubt, just add as a comment.
What do we know?
- Marketing channel – local/export
- Animal feed (Pigs)
- Processing awareness exist (chips, canned, flour, boiled)
- Human consumption (boiled, chips, curry, snacks)
- High potential for export
- High risk crop (cyclone prone)
- High land requirement
Where are we now?
- Export of product (Approx. 100 mT)
- Development and research on flour production
- Long-term storage (freezing) shelf-life studies
- Development of frozen French fries, wedges
Where should we be?
- Increase usage as staple food side dishes
- Unacceptable fruits, waste from processing as animal feed
- Resource material for composting
- Substitute for current bad eating habits (e.g. oily foods, saturated foods)
- Tap on outer island resources (Rodrigues)
What is missing to get there?
- More research and development and funding
- Lack of information on product
- Critical mass to invest in commercial production
- Loans/incentive schemes
- Setting up of food parks
Stakeholders involved in issues to product development and marketing
- Demand for fresh and processed breadfruit
- Survey
- Breadfruit festival
2. AREU/ UoM
- Consumer preferences/ New products
- Survey/ sensory evaluation
3. Enterprise Mauritius
- International exhibitions/ partnerships
- Literature
- Trials
- Research
5. Land use division/ AS/ MAIFS
- Census on breadfruit trees in the Republic of Mauritius
- Survey
- Complete enumeration
- Editable/clickable map
7. Food security fund/ DBM/ Private banks
- Schemes
- Grants
- Loan facilities
8. MAIFS/ MAMCF/ Private stakeholders/ SFWF
- Continuous/ Reliable supply of breadfruit
- Partnerships/ Bi-lateral agreements
9. AMB/ Freeport
- Provide storage facilities
What questions are we asking ourselves?
Question: How do we think we are going to increase usage as staple?
Question: Regarding increasing consumer awareness, what is being done?
Question: What is the demand for breadfruit on the local market?
Question: Can it be used for baby foods?
Question: For flour making, are there any specific requirements (varietal, stage of maturity)?
Question: Fresh products or processed?
Question: Market consumption?
Question: Is there scope for development of SME (Processing)?
Question: Is there any kind of risk management strategy in place?
Question: Land availability for setting up orchards?
Question: When is the next fruit tree census?
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