Agronomy and Cultural Practices Agronomy and Cultural Practices Please find below the Literature Review on Propagation methods & planting materials and also the outputs from the Workshop Group Activities. What we need to do now is to try to get answers to the questions that we have and any additional information that we have on this theme may also be added under the respective heading.
To answer the questions below, simply click Edit on the top left corner, write your answer or any additional information and Save (at the bottom of the page).
Note: Anyone who is replying to a question is requested to put your name (in brackets) at the end of your answer or complementary information.
If in doubt, just add as a comment.
What do we know?
- Can be Propagated by root cutting, air layering, stem cutting, grafting, T.C Methods, seeds
Where are we now?
- Studies already started
- Selected clones being propagated
- Root cuttings main method, higher success rate
- In-vitro propagation (under experiment)
- Air-layering(under experiment)
- Grafting
Where should we be?
- Should have already mastered vegetative propagation methods
- Should have already large number of breadfruit plants for sale
- Planting material at affordable price (current price at Barkley Rs 185/unit)
What is missing to get there?
- Research facilities and funds
- Skilled labour
- Need more starting materials
Stakeholders involved in issues related to propagation methods and planting materials
1. MAIFS (Barkly ES)
- Propagation
- Sale of planting material
- Propagation and sale by conventional means
- Adapt protocol for Tissue culture method for sale
- Research and Development
- Information Dissemination
- Training
- Research and Development on different methods of propagation of breadfruit
- Sale of breadfruit planting material
- Training of Extension Officers and growers
3. FARC (Tissue Culture Lab)
- Research and Development on protocol development
- Production and sale of planting materials
- Research on in-vitro propagation of breadfruit
- Sale of tissue-culture plants
- Research on Tissue culture in collaboration with UoM
4. UoM
- Research on Tissue culture in collaboration with FARC
5. Labourdonnais and other private sectors
- Propagation and sale of planting materials
- Production and sale of agricultural produce
- Propagation by conventional means and sale
- Collaborate in on-farm trials (OFT’s)
What questions are we asking ourselves?
Question: Tapping funds (from where)?
Question: Training for propagation required?
Question: Pros and cons of propagation method
- Generally propagated vegetatively from root shoots or root cuttings ,air layering or from seeds
- Can also be grafted
- In vitro plantlets also being developed
- Seeds are rarely grown because do not develop true to type
- Root shoots or cuttings are preferred methods
Question: Is any method of propagation highly recommended?
Question: What are the success rates of the different propagation methods?
- Stem cuttings-may get 95% success
- Air layering -50% do not root.Planted at 1 year stage in the field.May bear fruits 1-2 years after planting.
- Stem cuttings-95% success .Planting at 4 months stage in the field.
- Grafts-carried out on seeded rootstock or wild jack fruit trees.can bear fruits in 2 years
- In vitro method still under experimentation
Question: Do we have facilities for mass propagation (large scale)?
- The tissue culture lab of FARC has already fine tuned protocol for large scale in-vitro propagation of local germplasm, however, trial for conditioning & hardening still ongoing.
Question: What are the problems encountered for different propagation methods
- Availability of root suckers is a major problem for vegetative propagation for Barkly Experimental Station, Agricultural Services, Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security
Question: Is it easy to propagate by in-vivo methods
Question: What if someone use root cuttings from grafted plants
Question: Is there any subsidized price for large scale?
Question: What are the current prices?
- Price of potted plant -Rs 185/unit at Barkly Experimental Station, Agriculturla Services, Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security
- Price of potted, hardened T.C plant at FARC-Rs 125/unit
- Price of grafted plant at Labourdonais-Rs 500/unit (to be confirmed)
Question: Cost effective method of propagation
Question: Where to get readily available planting materials?
Question: Do we have enough planting materials and root stock?
Question: Which rooting system/ propagation method is suitable against cyclone?
Question: Who is and how to coordinate gathering of information on amount of planting materials available, rate of production?
Question: which institutions have capacity to do this? Private sector?
Question: Can people /farmers/ students be trained on grafting techniques?
Question: Who can/will train producers on propagating methods?
Comments (1)
kjbheenick said
at 9:04 am on Feb 28, 2012
I think contributors should specify the sources of the contents added (document references or local observations - which should also be documented at some stage)
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