Origin and Distribution of Breadfruit

Please find below the Literature Review on Origin & Distribution of Breadfruit and also the outputs from the Workshop Group Activities. What we need to do now is to try to get answers to the questions that we have and any additional information that we have on this theme may also be added under the respective heading. 


To answer the questions below, simply click Edit on the top left corner, write your answer or any additional information and Save (at the bottom of the page).

Note: Anyone who is replying to a question is requested to put your name (in brackets) at the end of your answer or complementary information.

If in doubt, just add as a comment.


Origin and distribution of breadfruit
View more documents from Nawsheen Hosenally


What do we know? 


Where are we now? 


Where should we be? 


What is missing to get there? 


Stakeholders involved in issues related to Origin and Distribution of breadfruit




1. CSO

Involved in census

Include breadfruit on household survey

2. All stakeholders in the breadfruit sector

To map distribution of breadfruit trees across the island

On consortium wiki

3. Documentation centres (MAIFS/ AREU/ MSIRI/ FARC)

Involved in documentation

More exhaustive review of literature


What questions are we asking ourselves? 

Question: What is the Geographical distribution of breadfruit trees in Mauritius?



Question: Should we do a Tree census in Mauritius?



Question: Can we use a GIS system?



Question: Breadnut - number of trees and distribution?



Question: Is a census of breadnut trees required?



Question: Can there be other sources of information?
