
Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium (redirected from FrontPage)

Page history last edited by Nawsheen Hosenally 12 years, 4 months ago


Welcome to the Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium (PAEPARD) Wiki 


The aim of this wiki is to:


  • Facilitate information exchange among the different stakeholders involved in the consortium
  • Have a platform where each stakeholder involved can share information, upload files and discuss on the different topics on separate pages dedicated to sub-topics


About the consortium

Title of Proposed Partnership

Micro propagation and cultivation of in vitro breadfruit plants and development of novel products from Breadfruit as an alternative source of carbohydrates  in Mauritius


Brief description of the innovation challenge or opportunity that this partnership wants to address

Following the food price crisis of 2008, the Mauritian Government has strengthened its policy on food security, and has established a local Food Security Fund to promote Agricultural Research and Development to improve food security. While funds have gone into increasing production of staple crops locally in the short term, long-term perspectives have included the identification of potential crops that can contribute to food security.


Breadfruit has been identified as an important alternative staple crop that could make substantive contribution to local food security. Breadfruit is a crop that is already popular in the Pacific islands and the Caribbean, with exports into Europe. In Mauritius, breadfruit is already grown on a small scale, mostly as backyard production,  and exports to Europe have been established and proved to be highly profitable. The local research institutions have successfully mastered the techniques of in-vitro propagation and are now in a position to mass produce breadfruit plantlets.


Therefore, breadfruit production in Mauritius appears to offer an income generating opportunity for households and small-scale orchards. At the same time, local processors are interested in the potential that breadfruit offers for the production of gluten-free flour.


The elaboration of an appropriate strategy for the development of the breadfruit sector requires careful planning and interactions along the value-chain. This will ensure that such a nation-wide investment leads to a sustainable sector that meets both the food security and income generating objectives of the country. Analysis of the opportunities along the value chain will identify areas for research at technical laboratory, production, processing and socio-economic levels. The strength and innovation of this partnership lies in its ability to address these aspects in a harmonized and coherent manner. Satisfying divergent stakeholders’ interests will be an important innovation at national level and could serve as a model at regional (Indian Ocean States) level.


Find more about the consortium in the file below:

Mauritius-FARC-BreadfruitPAEPARD 1507011.doc


How does this wiki work?

A set of pages have been created in this wiki, where partners and collaborators will be able to upload files, post discussion topics and where others can also contribute. The links below (which you  can also find on the Navigator on the Right) will direct you to the page you want to view and contribute.



Consortium partners and roles

Proposed Timeline for Mauritius

Consortium meetings

Documents or links on breadfruit

Discussion Forum

Editable Map of Breadfruit Trees in Mauritius


Individual partner pages:

Food and Agricultural Research Council (FARC)

Agricultural Research and Extension Unit (AREU)

University of Mauritius (UoM)

Mauritius Agricultural and Marketing Cooperatives Federation (MAMCF)

Private Sector (Sarjua Ltd) 

Natural Resources Institute (NRI) - University of Greenwich (European Partner)


Partnership Inception Workshops:

Partnership Inception Workshop 1

Partnership Inception Workshop 2



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